Events with our Experts

Please see below our current events, for more information and to book your place, please email

Divining our Energetic World

Alanna Moore is a Master Dowser and author from Australia & Ireland.

She is back in England for this experiential weekend workshop with Electroculture PMA to practice at the cutting edge of dowsing along with learning about energetic nature and landscape connection.

The two day course will cover:

  • Introduction to pendulum dowsing techniques for problem solving and energy assessments

  • Dowsing for improved plant, soil and animal health

  • Water divining by pendulum and map dowsing

  • Earth energies that can cause health problems, Geopathic stress & Earth acupuncture to neutralise it

  • Building biology; Electro-stress and how to live with it

  • Theory – the other-dimensional worlds of nature, types of landscape energies and nature spirits and keeping the fairies happy in your garden

  • Dowsing landscape energies and nature spirits outdoors

  • Sensitive Permaculture landscape design for improved harmony, abundance and wellbeing

  • Volcanic rock dust for soil fertilising & plant superfood, its minerals & energetic qualities

  • Harmonising energies and stimulating plants and animals with Power Towers (aka Paramagnetic Antennae)

  • Making a Power Tower and dowsing its energies

Find out more from Alanna here:

Please email us to book your place. Use the button below!

26th & 27th April - Near Beccles, Suffolk

Foraging & Making Medicine Workshop

Sunday 1st June - Near Beccles, Suffolk

Melanie Cardwell has been a 'herbal healer' for almost 30 years. On this special workshop, she will introduce you to the wonders of Nature for your health and well-being.

You will learn ways to make natural, safe and effective herbal preparations for a multitude of ailments from Mother Earth's bounty.

We will forage in the morning and make medicine and herbal preparations in the afternoon.

Find out more from Melanie here:

Please email us to book your place. Use the button below!

Apiculture Bee Keeping Workshop

February 2026 - Bungay, East Suffolk

Join us for a two day workshop with magical beekeeper Vincenzo Rubino, Italy’s expert in Apiculture. Vincenzo focuses on the importance of soil health through raising its microbiome to promote healthy vegetation, flowers and bees as well as creating the perfect energetic environment for a harmonious beehive that will give increased yields & happier bees.